

Heat Pumps And Systems

Our Blog

24 Sep | Pool Heating Ltd

Gas Pool Heating Solutions With Integrated Heat Pump

Heating your pool doesn’t have to be a chore, thanks to integrated heat pump technology. This involves combining heat pump technology with gas boosters so that you can do domestic hot water heating. Let’s dive into more vital details about heat pump technology and gas boosters. Why Choose Heat Pump? Heat pumps are gaining popularity …


15 Jun | Pool Heating Ltd

Maintaining Your Pool at a Constant Temperature

The accepted standard for swimming pool water temperature is between 27oC to 28oC (max). Temperatures exceeding 30OC affects the chemical balance of the pool water, causing scale to form and making the water corrosive. This can damage the pool filtration equipment and other components. Hot pools also tend to harbour bacteria, which can cause health …


6 Jun | Pool Heating Ltd

Pool Heat Exchangers – What Are They And How Do They Work?

If you have been reading and researching about ways to heat your pool you most likely will have come across the term “heat exchanger”. A swimming pool heat exchanger uses hot water from a boiler or solar heated water circuit to heat the pool water. Heat is transferred by conduction through the exchanger materials which …


3 Apr | Pool Heating Ltd

What Size Pool Heater Do I Need?

This is a question asked by many people when searching for a pool heating solution.  There is no one size fits all solution.  What determines the size you need is the size of the pool to be heated, the temperature you wish the pool to be heated to, and the outside temperature or climate. Choosing …


3 Apr | Pool Heating Ltd

Why Choose Heat Pump Pool Heating?

Out of the range of pool heating systems available, including solar and gas, why is it that you may choose a heat pump as your pool heating solution? Heat Pumps are the most popular form of pool heating.  This is as a result of their ease of use, and relatively low installation costs. So, how …


3 Apr | Pool Heating Ltd

Troubleshooting Problems with Your Pool Heater

As with all mechanical and electrical systems, occasionally pool heating systems can develop issues and cease working.  Are you currently experiencing operating issues with your pool heater?  Below are some helpful hints to try, in the event you find your pool heating solution is not working. The heater won’t turn on/stay on Clean your filter, …


3 Apr | Pool Heating Ltd

Pool Heating Exchangers

No doubt you are asking, what is a Pool Heating Exchanger? A heat exchange is a device that allows the heat from one gas or liquid to move to another, without those two substrates ever actually touching or mixing.  It is a go-between as such.  It transfers the heat without transferring the gas or fluid …


28 Mar | Pool Heating Ltd

Selecting the Right Pool Heater for Your Home

Do you want to start heating your pool, but don’t want to pay an arm and leg to do it? Have you decided that the best solution is to invest in a pool heat pump? Great! But how do you know what heat pump is the best one for your swimming pool? One of the …


27 Mar | Pool Heating Ltd

Heating Solutions for Residential Pools

The Majority of pool owners have a swimming pool that is not heated, and, as a result, rarely used during the winter months due to the water being too cold. Do you find yourself in this position? Would you like to change this? Pool Heating Ltd can assist you with the correct pool heating solution …